Through their playing, singing and learning, preschoolers gain skills that help them learn to read, write, build their math and science skills, and become successful students. Preschoolers also learn “school readiness” skills, which help them understand the routines of school, how to work in groups, how to make friends, and how to be students. Though it may seem like it, preschool is not all fun and games. In fact, preschoolers learn through the fun and games.
Preschoolers are like sponges, so this is a great age to introduce them to phonic sounds for learning how to read. They like to have fun by playing phonics games.A strong phonic foundation helps develop a better reader. When teaching phonics, we will focus on the sounds that each letter makes, instead of the name of the letter.As the child becomes more confident in his sounds, the letter names will quickly come.

Counting is one of the skills preschoolers will learn the most. We will provide them with lots of opportunities for counting practice through books, songs, games, time, money, concepts, patterns, shapes and other activities.
A variety of hands-on activities and even crafts will help young children develop a strong foundation for math skills.
Take students outdoors so they can have real experiences in their world. Go to parks, take nature walks, plant seeds, dig in the dirt, climb on rocks, and feel the air. Go outdoors in all types of weather – each experience will bring new opportunities for learning.
Early childhood physical education is important and improves more than just physical wellness. It also assists and improves mental and emotional development in children too. Exercise for kids should be fun. Instead of “working out,” think of it as “exercise play.”
Get little eaters into the kitchen and turn them into little chefs with our easy and fun cooking projects. They’ll love tasting their handiwork, too!
Children love to dance and move to music. The key to preschool music is the repetition of songs, which encourages the use of words and memorization. Silly songs make them laugh. Let’s sing and dance together!
Reading and sharing stories can help to improve their language skills, instills a love of reading, spark your child’s imagination and stimulate curiosity.
The idea behind each craft is to work on developing their feelings, their thinking, and their fine motor skills. We will allow your child to complete the project on their own, giving them a sense of independence and even more pride as they know they were able to do it all on their own.
GMRC (Good Manners and Right Conduct)
Encourage them to say “please” and “thank you”.
Everyone feels good when they are thanked.
Remind them to ask properly, using words like, “May I please have…”
Learn to be humble, kind and respectful.
We like having themes as it makes learning more meaningful to them. Not only are theme activities a fun way to explore new topics with kids but also we love creating a special one to make the lesson memorable.